Monday, May 16, 2011

day eight: first weigh in

Current weight: 221.5 ( that’s 7 pounds down)

My measurements are:
Upper arms L: 13 2/8 R: 14
Waist): 43 (that’s 1/8 inch loss)
Hips 47 2/8 ( that’s 3/8 inch loss)
Thighs : L: 24 (1/8 loss) R: 23 1/8 (1/8 loss)
Total Ti: 164 5/8 (1 and 2/8 loss)
I am also measuring my bust because I would love for that to change
Bust: 45 3/8 (this unfortunatly stayed the same.

All in all I feel like crud. I didn’t check in yesterday but I have just been feeling bad my stomach started hurting yesterday and I stayed up half the night with acid re-flux. I woke up at 5 and did the exercises with my mom ate breakfast and went back to bed. I sure hope this passes.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day Six: First cheat day

The cheat day was an interesting experience in its own it just kind of made me consider all of my choices better. Like was it really worth it to have a king size versus a regular size candy bar, one scoop or two? While in the past I would have gone for the immediate gratification of the larger size, would have had pop with all of my meals instead of just one. However after a week of watching what I ate and seeing the progress I was making it was easier to make a wiser decision because I have been starring down the barrel at what those choices have cost me. Whether its clothes that don’t fit right or boys that aren’t interested or even the way I see my own self in the mirror these extra bits of food have cost me thousands more than I originally paid for them. So I did cheat but I don’t feel like I did too bad and I didn’t eat till I made my self sick Heres what I ate:
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs
Lunch: Chick-fill-a grilled chicken breast and waffle fries
Later we went to a movie and I had some popcorn a Hershey bar and some Dr Pepper.
Dinner: we went to Dave and Busters ( which sucks by the way) where I had chicken breast with cheese on top (no sides because they are lame like that, and they originally wanted to charge me 15 for that until I told them it was not acceptable, and they charged 11) Then I had one scoop of ice cream with caramel.

More on how I'm feeling in general:
My stomach was super upset this morning so I'm starting pro and pre-biotic's along with acid reflux medicine. My throat still hurts so netti pot here I come maybe a good sinus clean will do some good. I am actualy becoming concerned about this problem I feel as if I might have something wrong with my thyroid. So well keep paying attention to the pain and see if we can get some results.

Thanks for reading --J

Day 5

Today went well minus the dry throat and a little morning upset belly I am going to start the probiotics and prebiotic tomorrow as well as some medicine for acid reflux as I read online that the dry throat could be caused from that. Tomorrow is my first cheat day and currently weigh in at 223. I am worried about gaining it back I feel like I have worked so hard for those 5 pounds. Not much more to say. Oh and a note about the dates Blogger was down for a few days so I think I will be posting several days at once -- J

Day Four

So today was really good ate at the right times without being overly hungry. I took the vitamins and felt like I had more energy. I however woke up nauseous so after breakfast I took a long soak bath. I think in the jest of changing my life drastically I need to address this issue as well. I might try the treatments for the ovarian cysts that I tried a couple of years ago while I had minimal success I believe maybe I was on the right track I think maybe I just had more than one problem going on at once. To day I had eggs, lentils, broccoli, chicken red beans, salad, jacks chicken, hamburger meat, lentils and broccoli I also had a spoon of peanut butter because I was late for supper and was getting a headache. Another thing is that I am having this pain in my throat almost like its dry and I feel thirsty. I had this before the diet but mostly at night now its most of the day. Sometimes its bad enough that I suck on a sugar free throat drops that help for a little while but I feel bad because they have sugar and appertain in them. That’s all I know to tell you for now. I will just keep trucking on.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

day 3

Today went remarkably better. I had beans with my breakfast and it held up till lunch. I had no beans with lunch because I was out so I stopped at jacks and had grilled chicken strips and a side salad, later I was hungry so I had a few bites of tuna to old me over till dinner which I ate a little late because I was waiting to eat with my mom and now I have a hunger headache I cant mend. I just need to listen to my body a little more. I had and extremely productive day today, which has made me feel fantastic no matter how the diet is going. Which I think is a handy observation. I picked up a kettle bell and worked on figuring out the lifts. The one I bought came with a DVD so I am going to take a look at it to see if helps me get it a bit easier. I'm not going to be starting the exercises till next week but I wanted to get the weight and make sure that I familiarized my self with it a bit. I also wanted to make sure it was something my mom could do so that she didn’t get frustrated and quit. I enjoy having her do this with me, it makes me feel like if I can keep to it she can and then maybe she wont be sick so much, which leads to the theory that she will live longer. One of my greatest fears is that my mom will go too soon she has just been sick so much it scares me. On another note I picked out some magnesium and Calcium today. (which by the way are on sale at Walgreens for buy one get one of the natures bounty brand in some cases that can save you 20-30 bucks) I'm going to skip the potassium and see how I do with eating it in my food and with the potassium enriched salt. So That’s about it for the diet. In other news like I said I accomplished a lot today spent the day from 10-5 running errands went to the goodwill to drop of clothes, got a kettle bell and then some vitamens, checked dads mail, and picked up some c d's I need to organized, then I mailed off my lens and flash to get fixed picked up the painting from the framers and got a soldering kit from fry's. All without getting lost, or overly worn out which in the past only doing a few activities makes me so tired. So life is improving for me a change I welcome with open arms. Hope you are all doing well-- j

You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.

- Marie Curie

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day Two: and Pre-prepraring meals.

To Begin I have been hungry most of the day I just cant seem to shake it. In my Celicac's blogs I have read that a lot of people have this problem. I feel like I spend of my time eating, I used to eat a lot of carbs to fill up ( but I've been through this) The point I'm Trying to make is I have to eat more, or something. I just really hate eating don’t understand this. Try four years of intense pain from food and another 2 years trying to recover by being 100 percent that everything you put in your mouth is gluten free. Eating anywhere is hard but family gatherings were always the worse I just plain felt tortured by food. I would defiantly be pro Jetson family food, just one pill and done. Enough on that the food that I did eat was good. Today I had.
6:00 - 2 Egg whites with one whole egg spinach and salsa
9:00 - 1 serving of chicken, lentils and broccoli
11:00 still hungry so I ate another chicken
2:00 Tuna salad ( eggs, tuna dill relish and a little olive oil) and Lettuce
5:30 Hamburger meat, beans, Salad.
7:17 still a little hungry going to eat some broccoli

So far not so bad:

Now let me explain a little bit about how I have set the food up.
To make it easier on me I have pretty much pre-set up a lot of my meals:
So here's what I bought at the Grocery store:
18 eggs
1 carton egg whites
1 bag frozen Birdseye broccoli
1 bag frozen Birdseye Mixed Vegetables
1 bag frozen spinach
2 bags frozen chicken breast (about 10 per bag)
1 bag Lentils
4 cans black beans
4 cans red beans
2 cans simple refried beans
5lb lean Hamburger meat
2 cans tuna
Frozen Onions
Frozen green beans
Frozen stir-fry
a box of mixed salad
Jar of salsa
I also got 6 packages of 1 1/4 cup mini Tupperware boxes but you will only need these once

So I divided both bags of vegetables into about 28 of the boxes based on the serving size listed on the back of the bag.
Then I cooked one bag of chicken cubed it and then divided it among 14 boxes in 1/4 cup measurements which is approximately 4oz which is 22g protein
I cooked one bag of Lentils cooked them as instructed and divided them among 14 boxes based on serving size.
I divided the other bag of chicken and the hamburger meat ( uncooked) into freezer bags with two servings per bag.
I also boiled 4 of the eggs and made tuna in a big tub to keep in the fridge.
The beans and the other vegetables were just put away for later.
Now with the shopping and every thing all of this took about six hours
But when I need a meal I just go to the freezer pick out a meat a bean and a veggie.
For dinner I use those extra ingredients to cook something like taco salad or whatever I want.
I try and make at least double what we will eat and then I put the leftovers in the boxes and stack them either in either the protein, beans, or veggies stack
For Breakfast I make the eggs and eat some veggies witha bit of salsa.
I also have tuna for my light lunch
I like this because you might have to work harder on shopping day but it makes the rest of the week better.
I haven been through the food yet but I think I have enough food for 2 weeks
6 hours for 2 weeks work is pretty good considering you might spend 30 min per meal if you were trying to cook each meal individually.
Here is a pic of my freezer:
See ther are two stacks of veggies, one of beans and two of protien. up in the top is my raw meat and extra veggies

I took the cold shower again and I really love how it makes me feel Its hard to explain but it makes me tired yet rejuvenated, and odd experience I don’t understand myself.

That’s all I have for today.

Yesterday is a cancelled check; Tomorrow is a promissory note; Today is the only cash you have, so spend it wisely. – Kim Lyons

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day One

I know I said I would post pics of the food I was eating but realistically I don’t see that happening, with all the uploading and everything but I have been thinking a lot about what I put in my body and the verdict is that I eat a lot of junk.
Almost two years ago I figured out that I had Celica's disease which is an intolerance to gluten found in Wheat Rye and Barley. So for the past two years I have been trying to figure out the whole eating thing most of the time feeling deprived or just plain hungry because I was limited in what I could eat. The current diet I am pursing is low carb similar to South Beach the difference being that once a week I can have a cheat week and eat whatever I want. Through all of this I have evaluated my previous eating and realized that mostly I already stuck to this diet except that I would overeat junk like chips or rice cereal and even cheeses because they were gluten free and I could have them. One of my other major problems is eating at all I find it such a hassle that I usually wont eat until Im starving and then I eat whatever I can get in my body the quickest like a Whataburger without a bun and a large fry. What I realize is that I need to view food as what it is which is GASOLINE for my body, if a car doesn't take diesel you don’t feed it more unleaded because it will make the car feel good. You also wouldn’t run a car until it stopped with out feeding it you pay attention to how much fuel it has and plan on stopping before it becomes a dire situation and you have to buy the cheapest gas no matter the cost. On my cheat days I can eat things that are higher in fat and calories because that is the time for it maybe kind of like an oil change to stick with the analogy. But I don’t think I should feel like im missing out on eating anything because I have celiac disease, the best way too look at it is to realize that its easier for me to eat healthy because I get violently ill when I eat a majority of the foods other people over consume.
That being said let me take a moment to reflect on the first day of diet.
After measuring my self I have gained 2 pounds in four days and currently sit at 228.5
My measurements are:
Upper arms L: 13 2/8 R: 14
Waist: 43 1/8
Hips: 47 5/8
Thighs : L: 24 1/8 R: 23 2/8 Total Ti: 165 3/8
Bust: 45 3/8
Which is the same as before:
Today I went and did all the shopping and prep work, I will explain more about this later.
I didn’t eat as many meals as I was supposed to and as always I waited until I was starving to eat at all.
This is a behavior I desperately need to change.
I wont be working in the exercises until at least one week
I did however take a cold shower like the book suggest and surprisingly it made me feel really good and energized and as I have come down from it I am feeling tired and ready to sleep which is usually hard for me.
Over all I feel good not weak but maybe a little hungry but I know I should have eaten that extra meal.
Sometimes bad habits die hard
Looking forward to all of the meals being easier to make tomorrow as I spent the whole day getting everything set up so it can be removed from the freezer re-heated and eaten, which means I did a lot of cooking. I have about 14 days of food and since im sharing with my mom and trying to get her to do this with me that should last till next Monday. I have some uncooked meals unaccounted for so that might stretch the count.
I am so tired so I will say good night for now.
Tomorrow I will sign in and talk about what all I am eating but for now Im glad to be tired.
-J Gunn